2024.06.26 (수)

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기상청 제공


Brocade Takes Top Honor in Networking Category at Computerworld Hong Kong Awards 2013

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Brocade (NASDAQ: BRCD) today announced that its VCS® Fabric technology was selected as the winner at this year's Computerworld Hong Kong Awards in the Ethernet Fabric Platform category of the overall Networking awards. All winners were determined by Computerworld Hong Kong readers through voting based on their experience with best-in-class vendors for product quality, service excellence and leading innovation. Cisco Systems and Juniper Networks were placed second and third respectively.

“We are honored to be regarded as the leader in Ethernet fabrics by Computerworld Hong Kong readers, which is strong validation of our network innovation and relentless commitment to our customers in APAC,” said Charlie Foo, Brocade vice president for APAC. “VCS Fabric technology plays a key role in enabling The On-Demand Data Center™ vision to deliver new levels of automation, efficiency and network agility for our customers. This is our fundamental strategy as we will continue to build technology solutions that address both current and future data center networking requirements.”

Brocade launched the industry's first Ethernet fabric switching solutions in 2010. Ethernet fabrics built on Brocade® VCS Fabric technology provide unmatched virtual machine (VM) awareness and automation compared to traditional network architectures and competitive fabric offerings. Brocade VCS Fabric technology has strong adoption, with over 1,100 customer installations worldwide to date.

Brocade was also placed in the “Visionary” quadrant in Gartner's 2013 Magic Quadrant report for Data Center Networking Infrastructure1. In the report, Gartner states that Brocade “should be considered for the shortlists of all data center network infrastructures and large cloud providers.”


