2024.07.14 (일)

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  • 구름많음강화 24.1℃
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  • 흐림강진군 24.0℃
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기상청 제공


DNS Management Tools Now Free From SolarWinds

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]SolarWinds (NYSE: SWI), a leading provider of powerful and affordable IT management software, today announced that the company will offer DNSstuff, its online collection of DNS management tools for email, network, domain, and IP address lookup, for free. The free DNSstuff collection joins the comprehensive set of SolarWinds free solutions that address pain points in network, systems, SIEM, virtualization, storage, alerting, and more.

“For years, SolarWinds has developed dozens of free tools as a meaningful way to give back to IT pros by addressing their specific IT management problems,” said Sanjay Castelino, VP & Market Leader, SolarWinds. “By making DNSstuff‘s wildly popular tools free, we’re improving access to an important set of diagnostic tools, and in the process continuing our tradition of serving the IT community.”

DNSstuff allows users to access over 30 tools instantly to troubleshoot and solve issues with DNS and email services, among others. DNSstuff provides forensic analysis of a variety of domain and email concerns, path analysis, and domain authentication and location. It keeps an eye on blacklists and web, email and name server compliance and connectivity.

Formerly a subscription-based product, DNSstuff offers the same reliable third-party DNS insight as before, now at no cost. Some DNSstuff tools include:

· DNS Report: All-in-one troubleshooting tool that performs 55 diagnostic tests to show the health of DNS records and help pinpoint issues reaching the site

· DNS Lookup: Displays stored and associated information with registered domain names; translates domain names to IP addresses and records the mail servers that accept mail for each domain


