2024.09.30 (월)

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기상청 제공


McDonald's Announces Developmental Licensee for Vietnam

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]McDonald's (NYSE: MCD) today announced Henry Nguyen, a Vietnamese businessman and the founder of Good Day Hospitality, as developmental licensee for Vietnam to build the Brand.

“As we grow our presence in the Asia region, we are looking for partners with a blend of strong business acumen and a unique understanding of our Brand,” said Dave Hoffmann, President of McDonald's Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa region. “Henry Nguyen is that ideal business partner who has an impressive business background and proven track record in driving new business ventures in Vietnam.”

McDonald's first restaurant is planned to open in Ho Chi Minh City in early 2014. The menu will include iconic favorites known the world over, from the Big Mac sandwich and cheeseburgers to World Famous Fries.

“McDonald‘s is a well-loved Brand around the world, and we are pleased to be opening in Vietnam and bringing the McDonald’s experience of quality food, great service and contemporary design to our 38th country in Asia,” said Don Thompson, President and Chief Executive Officer of McDonald‘s Corporation. “We will be focused on meeting our customers’ needs and will work hard to exceed their every expectation.”

The contract with Nguyen as developmental licensee is the result of a rigorous selection process that began years ago. Nguyen brings a strong passion for the Brand that he developed while working as a part-time crew member for McDonald's as a young student in the United States.

“I have been a big fan of McDonald‘s my whole life and have had so many wonderful experiences there, including one of my first jobs when I was a teenager. I have dreamed of one day opening a McDonald’s restaurant in my native country ever since my return to Vietnam more than a decade ago,” Nguyen said. "I have been in contact with McDonald's over the years sharing the opportunity that exists in our country.

“I'm proud to be part of a great team that is working hard to open up our first restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City. Our local team is preparing and training our first managers and crew for that exciting day.”

Vietnam is one of over 65 markets worldwide where the McDonald‘s Development Licensee (DL) structure has been deployed. The developmental license model is a form of franchising that McDonald’s has been using for more than 30 years around the world to grow the Brand


