2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


NeuroMama, LTD to Develop the Most Comprehensive Set of Tools for Investment Research for the Users of Finance.NeuroMama.com

[By NBC-1TV H.J Yook]A statement from Alexander Vikoulov, Chief Financial Officer, NeuroMama, LTD, (OTCBB:NERO), with specific responsibility for rapidly developing the fast-growing search engine's finance section into the most respected, go-to financial news, information and analysis site in its class.

Mr. Vikoulov says, "We are in the midst of research, design, development and implementation of http://Finance.NeuroMama.com into the EXTRAORDINARY place with the most CREDIBLE data on private and public companies along with RELIABLE tools to UTILIZE this data in the generation of TRUSTWORTHY reports for analysis on the companies, their competitors and industries.

"Our goal is to assemble the set of DEPENDABLE tools for the skilled and accomplished experts and to address the needs of individual investors, to give them CERTAINTY AND ASSURANCE in the financial platform developed with the guidance of discipline and authoritative experts, whose pioneering integration of PRESTIGE FINANCIAL tools will stimulate investors' CONVICTION AND FAITH in Finance.NeuroMama.com platform.

“We believe that investors will appreciate http://Finance.NeuroMama.com even more due to the recent undertakings of regulators to trigger capital formation by lifting a ban on general solicitation. In the near future access to credible Information on private companies will become a very valuable commodity.”

By developing the Finance.NeuroMama.com platform we are laying the foundation for introduction to our clients of a discount brokerage. An ownership of the discount brokerage will provide our clients with the ability to use the on-line banking services of the discount brokerage. Future developments and implementations will not be limited to the trading platform based on neural technology with ability to predict the movements of particular stocks, as well as the the stock market in general.

“Ideally, we want http://Finance.NeuroMama.com to quickly become the one-stop information bar for investors and others to get a quick fix on what‘s happening in the markets, some expert, non-biased analysis of why it’s happening, and access to the historical data needed to put current events and trends into proper perspective,” said Vikoulov.

“There is a ton of financial news available on the Web, from big hitters like the Wall Street Journal to cut-and-paste aggregators like Reuters, who provide short news agency bytes of every money-related matter in the world,” Vikoulov added. “Our niche is that of the Web search engine financial page, the same niche occupied by Google Finance and Yahoo! Finance. We think we're almost as good as those guys already and we expect to become the de facto standard in the field pretty quickly.”

According to Vikoulov, in the future Finance.NeuroMama.com will have the same technological advantage over its competitors that NeuroMama.com does over other search engines, a 21st Century information gathering and analysis platform based on neural technology.

“A few whistleblowers notwithstanding, there are no secrets in the Information Age,” Vikoulov noted. “Everybody has access to the same data. It‘s what you do with that data, how you determine what to present to the reader first, second, third and so on that counts. At the end of the day, investors and others who track finances rate a site by whether it tells them, more or less exactly, what they need to know when they need to know it. And that ’when' is always right now, the instant they open that page.”

Unlike the traditional Web content ranking algorithms used by Google and other search engines, which depend upon periodic manual updates to try and stay current with end user requirements, Finance.NeuroMama.com's neural technology-based algorithms are designed to constantly re-educate and perfect themselves based on real-time analysis of the search patterns and site browsing habits of millions of financial web site visitors.

“Think of it in terms of a print newspaper like the Wall Street Journal continues Vikoulov. ”At the paper, an editor, a very senior, an experienced, knowledgeable editor in the case of the WSJ, decides what goes on page one, what goes on page 21 and what doesn‘t go in at all. Basically, that editor uses his intelligence guided by years of experience, to predict what his readers will want to see first when they pick up the paper. And that’s why the WSJ is the world‘s most widely read financial newspaper, because over the decades - generations really - its editors have simply been better at making those predictions than everyone else’s.

“Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and everyone else in our niche uses mathematically derived algorithms as their editors,” Vikoulov concluded. “We had designed our ‘editors,’ which are algorithms derived from deep neural analysis of what real people, actual investors, will be looking for and reading. It‘s a more ’human' way of editing the news and since we will be, in fact, editing the news for humans and not machines, the results will be substantially and quantifiably better.”


