2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


Brocade Provides Foundation for Next Phase of Indonesia's Internet Growth

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Faced with the prospect of bandwidth demand increasing 10-fold in five years, Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII - the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association) has deployed Brocade® MLXe-16 routers as the new core of the Indonesia Internet Exchange (IIX). These core routers will enable APJII to significantly scale IIX both in terms of aggregate throughput and individual connections with the Brocade MLXe platform capable of supporting 100 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE). (NASDAQ: BRCD)

APJII currently has 161 peers and 278 members -- including fixed and mobile telcos, Internet service providers and content providers -- connecting to IIX through IPv4 while 51 of them also have IPv6 connections. At the end of 2012, Indonesia, with a population of 237.5 million, had 63 million Internet users. As of March 2013, the average Internet traffic running across IIX was 10 Gigabits per second, compared to about a quarter of that amount just two years earlier.

“There's been a steep upswing in the rate of Internet traffic growth across the Indonesia Internet Exchange since 2010, driven by the increasing popularity of online gaming, music and video content, e-commerce, corporate VPNs and, of course, the use of smartphones,” said Harijanto Pribadi, Chief of IIX. "As a result, our existing core routing infrastructure was approaching capacity with no sign of traffic growth letting up anytime soon.

“A key issue is that about 60 percent of the Indonesian population uses mobile phones, but only a relatively small proportion of these users currently access the Internet from these handsets,” he added. “That's obviously going to change rapidly. The nationwide build-out of 3G infrastructure is pretty much complete and 4G/LTE will start to be rolled out next year.”

In looking for a new core routing platform for IIX, Harijanto Pribadi, Chief of IIX, said the key criteria are very high availability and the ability to deliver high throughput with a high density of 1 and 10 GbE wire-speed connections in a single chassis. Going forward, APJII also anticipates the need to support 100 GbE connections for its largest members.

Built with a state-of-the-art, sixth-generation architecture and terabit-scale connectivity, the Brocade MLX® Series has a proven heritage with more than 10,000 routers deployed worldwide -- including a healthy market share among Internet exchanges -- to meet skyrocketing traffic requirements and reduce the cost-per-bit of routing data traffic.

Brocade MLXe-16 chassis with 7.68 Tbps of switching fabric capacity, each initially configured with 528 1 GbE ports and 16 10 GbE ports, have been deployed at the two IIX data centers. With plenty of spare capacity in the 16-slot chassis, APJII has the headroom to deploy four-port 40 GbE and two-port 100 GbE modules in the future.

While the two IIX core nodes are deployed at different sites for high-availability purposes, APJII plans to implement Brocade Multi-Chassis Trunking (MCT) technology to link the two routers to create a single logical device that dynamically load-balances traffic from service provider networks that have multiple connections to the IIX core.

“The Brocade MLXe core routers at IIX are designed from the ground up for non-stop networking, with an advanced redundant switch fabric architecture -- complemented by hardware redundancy for the management modules, power supplies and cooling system -- for very high availability,” said Charlie Foo, Asia Pacific Vice President of Brocade. “Brocade multi-chassis trunking capabilities will add active-active redundancy between the core nodes, giving the IIX network core very quick failover, load-balanced performance and highly efficient use of bandwidth. It's really a best-of-all-worlds solution.”


