2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


Limelight Networks Expands Presence in India

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Limelight Networks (Nasdaq:LLNW), a leader in digital presence management, today announced that it is expanding its presence in India with a new point of presence in Mumbai. The company will also begin selling its Limelight OrchestrateTM (“Orchestrate”) Digital Presence Platform in the country.

India continues to emerge as an important market for Limelight's services. According to a new report from the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), digital media consumption continues to grow as the country increasingly expands access to mobile devices and internet connectivity. Likewise, a recent comScore report determined that the total online video audience in India has grown 74 percent to a total of 54 million viewers. As consumers continue to embrace these technologies, businesses, publishers and media companies increasingly recognize the importance of optimizing the delivery and performance of digital content.

Released in the U.S. and other markets earlier this year, Limelight will expand the availability of its Orchestrate v 2.0 platform to India. The Limelight Orchestrate Platform offers a set of services designed to enable organizations of all types and sizes to reach a level of digital presence maturity that only the largest and most sophisticated digital marketing organizations could achieve in the past. By taking an architectural approach and creating an integrated, yet flexible and extensible platform, Limelight offers every organization the opportunity to generate revenue, drive content consumption and create affinity, loyalty, and advocacy by developing long lasting relationships with their digital audiences.

Punjab Kesari Group, a leading online and offline newspaper group in India, is using Limelight's Orchestrate Platform to create a broader digital presence and monetize its digital assets by seamlessly delivering video across the world to various mobile devices, without compromising the performance or quality for readers.

“We used to serve five million page views per month and were held back by slow delivery speeds since all of our content was being served from India. After we implemented Limelight Orchestrate, our page views increased to 20 million page views per month,” said Abhijay Chopra, Director, Punjab Kesari Group. “Since using Limelight's services, our site traffic has grown by 30% month by month, and our number of video views has increased exponentially.”

Andy Clark, Limelight‘s group vice president of APAC said, “India is an increasingly growing market for us. There is a high demand for services that improve the quality and presence of data across networks, as well as a real need to reduce the latency issues that have plagued businesses here for years. With the addition of our Orchestrate platform we will empower companies to better engage with their digital audiences and monetize their digital assets. Overall, we’re excited about the growth potential and expanding our presence to these key markets in India.”


