2024.06.29 (토)

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기상청 제공


dmexco 2013 Wins Over the Media World Elite as Its Partners

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]New international TV partners as well as leading German and international trade and business publications are collaborating with the dmexco 2013 to further strengthen the growing economic significance of the global digital business in the media. The new media partners of the dmexco include among others Ad Age, The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, Süddeutsche Zeitung and CNBC. A compact overview of all of the media partners of the dmexco 2013 is posted at http://www.dmexco.de/en/Partner.html#medien.

The dmexco 2013 is proud to present leading business publications from all over the globe as its media partners including for example Bloomberg Businessweek, The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, Handelsblatt, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Wirtschaftswoche and Zeit Online. From the TV sector national and international partners such as CNBC, Bloomberg TV, n-tv, beet.tv, Deutsches Business TV and TV1 belong to the media organisations supporting the dmexco and as such they will ensure that the event receives comprehensive coverage.

The dmexco is obtaining further support from numerous trade publications from home and abroad. Ad Age from the USA should be particularly emphasised in this connection, which is not only got to do extensive coverage on the dmexco, it will have a comprehensive editing team present on-site for the first time as well. Among others, the specialised media partners also include The Drum from Great Britain, ADVexpress from Italy, marketingdirecto from Spain, Werbeplanung.at from Austria, Marketing Review St. Gallen from Switzerland and Media Marketing Polska and Online Marketing Polska from Poland.

In Germany, the dmexco works closely together with leading industry publications such as absatzwirtschaft, Horizont, Internet World Business, Mobile Business and W&V in order to jointly create a media framework that ensures that the dmexco attracts the attention of a broad audience and to underline the growing significance of the digital business.

Christian Muche, dmexco Board of Directors: “The best for the best -- whether TV channels, business or trade publications: The further growth in leading national and international media partners underlines the central and trendsetting position of the dmexco for the digital industry -- even far beyond the borders of Europe! This is above all clearly demonstrated by the new, long-term media partnership with Ad Age, the world's leading digital business trade magazine from the USA. In addition to the firmly established media partnerships in Germany and Europe, on the communication front the dmexco is thus also closing ranks with the digital industry overseas.”


