2024.08.09 (금)

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기상청 제공


Ssangyong Motor’s domestic and export sales record 11,610 units in August

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Ssangyong Motor (CEO Lee Yoo-il; www.smotor.com), part of the Mahindra Group, today announced the company sold a total of 11,610 units in Aug 2013 - 5,158 units in domestic sales and 6,452 in exports.

Its sales in August also increased by 27.1% from a year earlier and its cumulative sales rose by 23.9% compared to the same period last year. It was made possible thanks to increased sales of Korando family brand continuously despite reduced working days at the plant as a result of the summer vacation schedule.

In the domestic market, where the company recorded the highest growth among the domestic automakers in the first half of this year, Ssangyong sold over 5,000 units for five consecutive months backed by newly launched New Korando C with an increase of 39.2% year-on-year.

Particularly, the New Korando C has received overwhelming responses from the market by registering over 4,000 bookings for 20 days since its launch. Its sales in August increased to 1,799 units, which were the highest ever monthly sales in 2013, and it expects good outlook for the future sales.

Ssangyong’s exports grew by 18.8% compared to the same month in 2012 thanks to increased sales in the Russian market despite priority being given towards meeting increased domestic demand.

Ssangyong is making efforts to secure production volume after resuming two-shift work system at SUV assembly line in order to solve increased backorders. However, backorders of SUVs still remain. With consideration of these circumstances, the company expects its sales will increase again once the number of working days is back to the normal level.

Meanwhile, Ssangyong will expand its global sales by launching the New Korando C, which has received favorable reviews from the domestic market, in overseas markets such as Chinese market and European market sequentially.

Lee Yoo-il, CEO of Ssangyong Motor, commented, “The number of bookings for Korando family brand including New Korando C has continued to increase based on good responses from the market,” adding, “We will make every effort to avoid delays in supply of the units by effectively responding to demand.”


