2024.07.14 (일)

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  • 구름많음강화 22.2℃
  • 흐림보은 23.3℃
  • 구름많음금산 21.7℃
  • 흐림강진군 24.3℃
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기상청 제공


MIMIX DR Makes Cloud-Hosted Disaster Recovery Easy and Affordable for SMBs Running IBM i

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Vision Solutions, Inc., a leading provider of information availability software and services, today announced that MIMIX DR gives hosting providers a comprehensive yet affordable, cloud-based disaster recovery solution to offer to small and medium businesses (SMBs) running mission-critical applications on the IBM i. The solution supports IBM i systems from P05 and P10 pGroups with one to four (1 to 4) cores.

MIMIX DR, first announced on May 7, 2013, allows hosting providers to offer customers a complete disaster recovery solution that protects data in real time without the need to purchase or manage additional hardware. All data and applications are replicated directly to managed servers in the cloud, freeing SMBs with limited IBM i administrative skills from the burden of managing their DR solution themselves while providing full protection between tape backups. Should the customer's IBM i server fail, business operations can be resumed on the cloud-based DR server quickly and efficiently, delivering the type of customer support normally only seen at the enterprise level. When a new production server is obtained, or the old server is repaired, it can be completely restored using MIMIX DR.

MIMIX DR leverages the technology built throughout the 20-plus-year heritage established by Vision Solutions' MIMIX Availability, a product synonymous with high availability that scales from small businesses to large enterprises. MIMIX DR offers comprehensive, easy to use disaster recovery protection at a price aligned with SMB budgets. Features include:

· Easy, browser-based user interface
· Comprehensive protection of data and applications up to the point of failure using continuous, real-time replication to the cloud
· Robust auditing of replicated data to ensure data and applications are fully recoverable
· Ability to failover to the complete, waiting replica without lengthy restore processes
· Fast, full restore of all data and applications from the cloud back to the production server once issues are resolved

“Like MIMIX Availability, MIMIX DR is easy to install and use,” said Pete Massiello, President of iTech Solutions, a strategic partner to Vision Solutions. “There is no up-front capital investment, and the customer has a very minimal set-up investment. MIMIX DR gives us the ability to offer an affordable, full DR solution to even our smallest customers, so they can operate their businesses knowing their data is protected. It's all about peace of mind.”


