2024.08.09 (금)

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기상청 제공


Ooyala Research Reveals New Patterns in TV and Video Consumption as Mobile and Tablet Viewing Explodes

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Ooyala, the leading innovator in video streaming, analytics and monetization, today released the Q2 2013 Global Video Index, which uncovers distinct patterns in the way people the world over migrate from one device to another throughout each day and week for video entertainment, sports and news.

Ooyala's data indicates that the continued growth in mobile and tablet viewing is driven in large part by increased availability of premium, long-form content, made possible by the adoption of more robust streaming and monetization tools among broadcasters and media companies. Ooyala has played a central role in fueling this adoption around the world, and enabling a new breed of personalized, interactive and lucrative video experiences on all connected devices.

The company will be demonstrating its range of cloud-based software and services this month at two major events for broadcasters, media companies and brands: IBC in Amsterdam, September 13 -17, and dmexco, in Cologne, Germany, September 18 and 19.

The new Global Video Index shows mobile phones and tablets remaining on pace to double their share of web-delivered video consumption in 2013, growing 28% and 18% respectively during Q2. Together, mobile and tablet devices accounted for 13% of all online viewing as of June 30, 2013, compared to just 8% at the end of Q4, 2012.

The full report reveals how a typical viewer consumes media throughout the day in an increasingly mobile era. For example, mobile and tablet viewing spikes early in the morning and throughout typical commuting hours, while PC video plays pick up in the later morning, and peak at midday. During the evening commute, viewers return to their phones and tablets, and PC video views decline sharply. And tablets become the “first screen” on the weekends, as people watch more tablet TV throughout the day. PC video views dip significantly on Saturdays and Sundays, compared to weekday streaming.


