2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


Ooyala Previews New Cross-Device Mosaic Player

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Ooyala, the leading innovator in premium video publishing, analytics and monetization, today previewed a new mosaic player that will provide publishers with the ability to stream up to five live or on-demand video feeds at the same time across multiple devices. This product will make it possible for any broadcaster to cost-effectively roll out new video experiences such as multi-camera views of sporting events, viewer-controlled switching between multiple live events or on-demand videos, or video advertising insertions that don't interrupt a live event.

Ooyala's new mosaic player, which was demoed today at NextTV Summit in San Francisco, will improve the TV experience for the viewer and for broadcasters or media companies looking to earn more money from Internet-delivered video.

“This product is emblematic of our around-the-corner thinking and has the potential to dramatically increase engagement and revenue for our broadcast customers,” said Sean Knapp, co-founder, executive vice president and chief product officer at Ooyala. “TV over IP is not only easier and more cost-effective to deploy, it offers better experiences than broadcast TV -- for the viewer and for the companies producing high-quality content.”

Historically, mosaic players have been desktop-only experiences that taxed the processing power of the computers on which the content was being watched. Ooyala‘s mosaic player will be available initially on PCs and soon on tablets, smartphones and other connected devices too. Compared to traditional broadcast TV experiences where the only option for the viewer is to switch channels, Ooyala’s new mosaic player will allow the viewer to adjust and direct their own version of the broadcast.

In addition to displaying multiple live feeds at once, the multi-feed mosaic player can blend live and on-demand video content, and will enable ‘watch later’ or DVR-like capabilities. For example, when watching a live performance a viewer could pull up a pre-recorded interview with the lead singer, and either watch the interview immediately or mark it to watch after the performance.


