2024.08.30 (금)

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기상청 제공


Samsung to Launch ProXpress M4020 and M4070 series for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Samsung Electronics today released its mono laser printer ProXpress M4020 and multifunction printer ProXpress M4070 series to provide small- to medium-sized businesses with low operating costs and higher productivity.

The products come equipped with Samsung’s web-based open platform architecture, XOA (eXtensible Open Architecture) Web, a 4.3-inch wide color touch screen, 1GHz dual core CPU, 1GB memory, scan-to-cloud and security enhanced functions. They also support 4GB SD card and use extra high yield toner that allows users to increase work productivity while saving operating costs.

“Samsung has released XOA Web to expand the number of devices from low-end A4 laser printers to high-end A3 MFPs that are compatible with various B2B solutions.” said Joosang Eun, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Samsung Electronics. “Samsung is strengthening its position in business markets and will help users, channel partners and independent software vendors (ISVs) to use, sell and develop customized solutions. In 2014, we will provide broader opportunities by providing more products that support XOA Web.”

Samsung Electronics’ first mono laser printer and MFP that support XOA Web

For small- to medium-sized businesses looking for low operating costs and higher productivity, the most noteworthy feature of the M4020 and M4070 series is the XOA Web, Samsung’s web-based open platform for customized business solutions.

In 2010, Samsung Electronics released XOA Embedded, a flexible and powerful open platform for running business solutions on printers and MFPs. XOA Embedded provides many rich features to support complex solutions. But the platform could only be applied to high-end products, such as A3 MFPs, because it required high hardware specifications. The XOA Web platform, however, does not need high hardware specifications because it is based on a web server, hence allowing a variety of devices from low-end A4 printers to high-end A3 MFPs to use this platform for running business solutions.

Small- and medium-sized business customers can now enjoy the benefits enhanced productivity and cost-savings of document, security and device management solutions according to their business need and fit for their size. Additionally ISVs, resellers and dealers can offer customer-oriented solutions running on smaller A4 devices that better meet their customers’ needs.

Wide screen, Scan-to-Cloud and security enhanced functions for added convenience

The M4020 and M4070 series adds convenience to small- and medium-sized businesses. The new series has a 4.3-inch wide touch color screen, a marked improvement compared to the two- and four-line LCDs that are found in the existing ProXpress printer and MFP series, respectively.

The novel screen is designed to have the feel of an Android smartphone user interface (UI) so that users can operate it intuitively. The combination of an enlarged color touch screen and smart UI can raise work productivity, allowing easy access to pre-installed solutions.

The Scan-to-Cloud function makes it possible to share documents. For example, you can automatically save scanned files on Google Drive, Drop Box and Evernote. You can also print out documents stored on Google Drive, Drop Box and Evernote.

In addition, the security function was upgraded for small and medium business. Users can authenticate themselves with an ID card reader*(Separate purchase) before printing and picking up printed documents. Samsung’s proprietary security solution, SyncThru Admin, enables IT managers to control the user access to documents and the network, thereby providing small- and medium-sized businesses with higher levels of security.


