2024.08.30 (금)

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기상청 제공


Mcure introduces Tick Tok an at-home auto microneedle therapy system (AMTS) device or Meso roller and puff function(Two in One)

[By NBC-1Tv H. J Yook]Medical equipment manufacturer Mcure Co.,Ltd (CEO Mangyu Lee) announced that home-use beauty device, namely “Tick Tok” was launched on Oct 1st.

Tick Tok is for the first time as home-use beauty device of Mcure and it enables users to perform auto microneedle therapy system (AMTS) at home, which was only available for cosmetic surgeries or aesthetic salons. Twenty needles that move maximum 6,000 times per minute make tiny holes on the skin to have the skin create collagen itself, improving wrinkles and elasticity. Since it enhances the natural power of skin, it makes the skin healthier and more elastic than before.

Existing home-use MTS devices were as manual roller-types and they frequently irritated the skin or left scars.

However, Tick Tok equipped with the auto-microneedle therapy system (AMTS) is easy to use. Also, as it uses 0.25 mm plastic needles, feels less painful and does not cause bleeding.

The plastic needles are replaceable, and although they are plastic, they were sterilized so they can be discarded as disposable one after use.

After the AMTS treatment, the needles are replaced with the jelly puff to maxmize the absortion of functional cosmetics. It can also be used directly on top of the facial mask to help the skin absorb the essence better.

When replaced with a latex puff, it can be used to apply BB creams or foundations thinly on the skin.

To maximize the effect of Tick Tok, the use of Tick Tok Ultra Ampule is recommended.

It is the advanced solution created by Mcure to maximize the effect when used with Tick Tok. Containing arbutin and adenosine, this dual fucntional product has whitening and wrinkle improvement effect..

It can be used on sensitive skin as it does not contain any chemical preservatives or harmful substances.


