2024.08.25 (일)

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  • 박무광주 25.7℃
  • 박무부산 26.8℃
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  • 맑음강화 23.5℃
  • 맑음보은 22.5℃
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  • 맑음강진군 24.7℃
  • 맑음경주시 24.9℃
  • 맑음거제 24.4℃
기상청 제공


JVCKENWOOD Enhances Customer Service and Reduces Costs With Descartes' Cloud-Based Messaging Gateway & Archiving Services

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Descartes Systems Group (Nasdaq:DSGX) (TSX:DSG), the global leader in uniting logistics-intensive businesses in commerce, announced that JVCKENWOOD Corporation, a leading global supplier of car, home, mobile and entertainment electronics, has enhanced its customer service and reduced its costs by using Descartes' cloud-based Messaging Gateway & Archiving service.

“The recent upgrade of our ERP system also required that we reconfigure and update all our messaging connections. Rather than take this on as a time consuming in-house responsibility, we decided to outsource to a specialized provider,” said Jeroen Buis of the Application Management Team at JVCKENWOOD. “Descartes was the right choice because of its ability to meet our complex requirements with proven solutions that saved us time and significantly reduced our costs. Another key benefit is that we're now more flexible and responsive to connection requests and changes from our customers and trading partners,” said Hans Bos, also of the Application Management Team at JVCKENWOOD.

Descartes‘ cloud-based Messaging & Archiving Services help customers quickly connect and collaborate by leveraging existing connections on Descartes’ Global Logistics Network with thousands of trading partners, including retailers, manufacturers, ports, logistics service providers, carriers, and government regulatory agencies across the globe. Descartes also offers complementary applications that provide value-added functionality such as webforms, data synchronization and archiving to extend customers' ability to improve and better manage data capture, validation, transformation and delivery, according to regional and/or global operational requirements.

“For leading companies, like JVCKENWOOD, communicating electronically with customers not only contributes to more streamlined operations by reducing manual process and inaccuracies, but it also helps them to be more agile,” said Fred van der Heide, Vice President of Product Strategy at Descartes. “Outsourcing this process makes it possible to communicate with large and small companies alike in the way customers prefer. We're pleased to support JVCKENWOOD in reducing complexity and look forward to continuing to help them grow and better collaborate with their customers and trading partners.”


