2024.08.25 (일)

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기상청 제공


ZMDI is Proud to Have Been Honored with the Prestigious ‘Best Company for Innovation and Sustainability Award’(Regional) by the International Alternative Investment Review(IAIR) for 2013

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]ZMD AG (ZMDI), a Dresden-based semiconductor company that specializes in enabling energy-efficient solutions, today announces that it is the proud recipient of the regional “Best Company for Innovation and Sustainability Award” from the International Alternative Investment Review (IAIR) magazine. The winner was selected following a survey of over 56,000 participants and additional due diligence by the IAIR editorial committee. The award ceremony was held on the 4th of October this year at the London Stock Exchange Group in Milan with the patronage of the European Commission and EXPO 2015 organizers and with special partnership of the Financial Times, Harvard Business Review, South China Morning Post and other global financial magazines.

As a global supplier of analog and mixed-signal solutions for automotive, industrial, medical, information technology and consumer applications, ZMDI is greatly honored to have been given this award. In addition well over 10 countries won awards in various categories but ZMDI was the only company from Germany to be a recipient. Thilo von Selchow, president and CEO of ZMDI, and other ZMDI management and guests were present to accept the award at the ceremony. ZMDI joins the company of prestigious present and past IAIR award recipients, including Toyota, Panasonic, Sony, Samsung, Siemens, Ikea and Starbucks.

“ZMDI is expressly committed to innovation and development of products that deliver a positive impact on our environment. We believe that energy efficiency begins at the chip level. Our mission is to create semiconductor solutions that enable our customers to develop energy-efficient products thus reducing the need for fuel and therefore reducing harmful emissions. The Innovation and Sustainability Award we received at the IAIR gala serves as a wonderful affirmation of our efforts, and we are extremely grateful for this honor. Over the last 50 years, our employees and their innovative ideas have enabled us to set consistently new technological milestones in one of the world's most fascinating and dynamic sectors. We see our history simultaneously as an obligation and an incentive to work on solutions for a more sustainable environment with all our might in the future,” stated Thilo von Selchow, president and CEO of ZMDI.


