2024.08.25 (일)

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기상청 제공


2013 a Year of Accelerated Growth for BWise

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]BWise, a NASDAQ OMX company and the leading provider of enterprise Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (eGRC) software, today announced 2013 achievements that set the course for next year.

“Since BWise was acquired by The NASDAQ OMX Group in May 2012, we have extended and increased our scale for client service, product R&D and integration as well as sales on a global basis. This year has been a very positive year as we are now beginning to leverage the power and the benefits fueled by the acquisition. In 2013 we made strategic business and solution enhancements to complement this growth and the synergy of this with the acquisition supports our future plans,” commented Robert Pijselman, BWise CEO.

In 2013 BWise bridged geographic gaps to achieve complete global service and support coverage with the addition of local representation in the final two regions, Asia Pacific and the Middle East / Africa. This was accomplished both directly through new employees and new offices and via the BWise Global Alliance Program. The Global Alliance Program is a mutually beneficial program that enables global and regionally-based GRC specialists to participate in the program where they are trained and certified to represent BWise first-hand with clients as a reseller or as an implementation and services partner.

In addition, we developed an integration between the NASDAQ OMX / SMARTS trade surveillance platform and BWise. As a result we successfully implemented several joint projects spanning from project scoping through implementation for compliance teams.

Meanwhile, multiple new opportunities for enhanced client support to existing clients were introduced in 2013. First, on a self-serve basis, BWise clients can now participate in the newly created Customer Community which was developed to foster more real-time expert and user interaction. Second, in response to client requests, BWise introduced a new Quarterly Notification that is a summary level narrative of software functional enhancements and technical information for BWise users between releases.


