2024.07.27 (토)

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기상청 제공


Arthur D. Little and the UITP identify 25 imperatives to enable cities to cope with future mobility challenges

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Global consultancy Arthur D. Little, together with its partner the UITP - The International Association of Public Transport - identifies three strategic directions and 25 imperatives for cities to consider to better shape the future of urban mobility

December 2013 saw the release of the second edition of the Arthur D. Little Urban Mobility Index, assessing the world’s cities in terms of mobility maturity and performance and revealing that most cities are still struggling to cope with future mobility challenges.

“The Future of Urban Mobility 2.0 - Imperatives to shape extended mobility ecosystems of tomorrow,” highlights what is holding cities back, and identifies three strategic directions and 25 imperatives for cities to consider to shape their future.

“If the world fails to change its mobility habits, the future of our planet looks decidedly bleak.” noted UITP Secretary General, Alain Flausch. “By 2025, worldwide transport-related greenhouse gas emissions will be 30% higher than 2005 levels, transport energy bills will skyrocket, traffic congestion will bring cities worldwide to a standstill, and most alarmingly, half a million people will be killed in road traffic accidents every year. There is however a real window of opportunity to drive innovation in urban mobility and I hope that our joint study will inspire and help many decision-makers to step up in that direction.”

“With its Future of Urban Mobility lab, Arthur D. Little aims to support cities and nations in shaping urban mobility ecosystems of tomorrow,” said François-Joseph Van Audenhove, Partner at Arthur D. Little. “The second edition of the Future of Urban Mobility study provides cities with guidelines, adapted to their development stages, to devise sustainable urban mobility policies and evolve towards networked mobility; thereby meeting mobility challenges of today and tomorrow.”


