2024.08.09 (금)

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기상청 제공


TranSwitch’s Atlanta 2000(TM) LTE Gateway Solution Successfully Completes Voice-over-LTE Testing Over Verizon’s 4G LTE Development Network

Testing Validates TranSwitch‘s Solution’s Capability to Deliver High Quality, Simultaneous Voice and Data Services Over Next Generation 4G LTE Infrastructure

[By NBC-1TV E. H Kim]TranSwitch Corporation (NASDAQ: TXCC), a leading provider of semiconductor solutions in the rapidly growing consumer electronics and telecommunications markets, today announced that its Atlanta 2000™ LTE Gateway reference design has successfully completed testing over the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE * (Long Term Evolution) development network. In addition to validating operability of the TranSwitch reference design on the 4G LTE network, the testing confirmed the Voice-over-LTE (VoLTE) capability of the design, a step that can lead to the development and implementation of products incorporating this new technology.

The testing occurred at Verizon‘s LTE Innovation Center in Waltham, Mass. Verizon’s Innovation Program fosters development of new products, services and enablers for 4G LTE, and TranSwitch worked closely with Verizon Wireless engineers to complete the tests. This kind of development done alongside innovative technology companies is core to Verizon's Innovation Program and part of its charter to advance the growth of the 4G LTE ecosystem.

“With this key milestone, TranSwitch can lead the way for manufacturers to begin developing their products for VoLTE-based home gateways and routers,” said Dr. Ali Khatibzadeh, President & CEO of TranSwitch. “Successful implementation of wireless home solutions built around 4G LTE with VoLTE promises carriers an opportunity to offer cost-effective, broadband services. Verizon is the world leader in the deployment of 4G LTE network services and our work with them in the LTE Innovation Center paves the way for other operators in developed and emerging markets to explore additional 4G LTE services.”

More than 230 wireless operators around the globe are either deploying or plan to deploy commercial LTE networks. For efficiency and improved quality of service, many of these operators plan to offer VoLTE services in addition to high-speed internet access. The availability of a high-speed wireless broadband network that is also capable of offering voice services could provide carriers with the opportunity to provide a differentiated and cost-effective multi-service bundled offering.

According to a recent report from In-Stat, LTE subscriptions will experience a 3,400% explosion of growth between 2011 and 2015. In-Stat also forecasts that LTE networks will generate 50% of last mile backhaul demand in North America. A similar or more aggressive growth opportunity exists in other parts of the world. The global demand for 4G LTE home gateways and routers is expected to rise to 35 million units per year by 2015.

Kris Shankar, Sr. Vice President & GM of the Telecom Business of TranSwitch, said, “The successful interoperability of our Atlanta 2000 gateway reference design on Verizon‘s 4G LTE development network showcases our ability to concurrently deliver both high speed data and VoLTE. Customers who adopt our turnkey solutions will now have IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) compatibility for voice and data and will be better positioned for similar services in other providers’ networks too.”

“We are pleased to have been able to support TranSwitch in the development of its 4G LTE gateway reference design for future services,” said Praveen Atreya, director of the Verizon LTE Innovation Center. “This is another example of companies using the LTE Innovation Center to develop, test and validate 4G LTE-based technology for use in tomorrow's products and services.”


