2024.09.20 (금)

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기상청 제공


Samsung Turns On Commercial 4G LTE Network for LG U+ in Korea

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, an advanced network solutions provider, today announced the deployment of 4G LTE service for LG U+, one of the leading mobile service providers in Korea. The network will be available from July 1st.

LG U+ and Samsung adopted enhanced High-Rate Packet Data (eHRPD) which supports seamless service mobility between a LTE network and a CDMA network. eHRPD is a global standard established by 3GPP and 3GPP2. Subscribers of LG U+ can enjoy a high-quality mobile broadband service with speeds more than six times faster than a current 3G network. From launch, users will experience seamless high-volume data services even on the move.

To keep up with the nationwide LTE deployment schedule of LG U+, Samsung has provided multi-mode base stations which support LTE and CDMA services within a single platform. Multi-mode base stations reduce time and cost for operators deploying and migrating networks. LG U+ plans to aggressively expand its LTE network nationwide by July 2012.

Mr. Sangchul Lee, Vice Chairman and CEO of LG U+, said “To improve a personal value with a smart service, we’re very pleased to cooperate with Samsung, one of the leading 4G solution providers.” “Through working closely with Samsung, one of LTE vendors, LG U+ aims to achieve deployment of world’s first nationwide LTE network to provide 4G data and voice services in every corner of Korea.” he added.

Mr. Youngky Kim, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Telecommunication Systems Business at Samsung Electronics said, “We’re very excited to collaborate with LG U+, a group that always aspires to innovate. Together, we’re introducing a nationwide 4G LTE service, faster than any operator around the globe.”

“Powered by our strong expertise and deep experience in the telecommunication industry, we are making every effort to help LG U+ provide best mobile service, leveraging current CDMA networks and adding LTE,” added Kim.

In December 2010, LG U+ selected Samsung as its LTE network equipment vendor for base stations and Evolved Packet Core (EPC). Samsung and LG U+ will cooperate continuously to provide voice over LTE (VoLTE).

Samsung has pioneered the introduction of OFDMA technology and played a key role in expanding 4G markets around the globe. Based on its wide range of field-experience in OFDMA technology, Samsung has successfully won 8 commercial LTE contracts and partnered with more than 30 global operators including KDDI in Japan, MetroPCS and CellularSouth in US and Mobily in Saudi Arabia. Samsung offers a unique LTE portfolio, the End-to-End solution, which covers the cutting-edge LTE network equipment and various LTE device line-ups.


