2024.07.17 (수)

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기상청 제공


TranSwitch Announces Additions to and Continued Traction of HDplay(TM) Family of Products

New Devices Optimized for Pico Projectors and Mid-Range TVs

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]TranSwitch Corporation (NASDAQ: TXCC), a leading provider of semiconductor solutions in the rapidly growing consumer video and telecommunications markets, today announced the TXC-44152 and the TXC-44154, the newest additions to its HDplay™ family of products.

These new products expand the reach of the HDplay™ family to high volume segments of the projector and TV markets that require smaller form factor and cost optimized solutions. Both these new products are compatible with existing devices and allow manufacturers to deploy HDplay™ products across their product lines with optimized feature set and cost requirements. Like its predecessors, these chips will also feature industry leading 3.0 Gbps speeds, low power consumption, TranSwitch‘s patented HDP™ technology allowing simultaneous support for both HDMI and DisplayPort, and TranSwitch’s patented AnyCable™ equalizer technology, allowing for the use of less costly cables while still delivering the premier video quality that consumers expect.

The TXC-44154 features four inputs with each capable of supporting HDMI, DisplayPort and mini-DisplayPort and is ideal for use in mid-range TVs and monitors. “By optimizing the feature set for this market, we are able to lower the cost we can offer the industry,” said Amir Bar-Niv, Senior Vice President of the High Speed Interconnect business unit. “As we engage with customers, it is clear that there is a market for this combination of features, functionality and price.”

The TXC-44152 features two inputs with each capable of supporting HDMI, DisplayPort or mini-DisplayPort and is ideal for the pico projector market. This product has a competitive advantage in that not only can it support projectors that have two input connectors -- one HDMI and one DisplayPort -- but it can also drive single connector projectors that support both HDMI and DisplayPort. "I am particularly excited about our prospects in the projector market where the need for combined HDMI and DisplayPort capability is clearly recognized. According to Pacific Media Associates, worldwide projector sales are expected to grow from 15 million in 2011 to 35 million in 2013 with continued strong growth thereafter. One of the key drivers of this growth will be a new class of projectors with an ultra small form factor, called a pico projector, which will give consumers an unprecedented level of portability.

“As our first generation of HDplay™ chips approach production status, we have been able to intensify our marketing efforts and I am pleased to report that our products are receiving a favorable response from customers,” continued Mr. Bar-Niv. “Our feature set is clearly resonating with the industry. Currently, we are actively engaged with over thirty OEMs representing a broad cross-section of the industry in terms of size, geography and end-user application. We believe these new products will expand the list of opportunities for HDplay™ and position us well to increase our market share.”


