2024.07.27 (토)

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  • 흐림강진군 27.6℃
  • 흐림경주시 26.0℃
  • 흐림거제 27.9℃
기상청 제공


US Airways Renews Multi-Year Agreement with GuestLogix to Deploy Latest Onboard Retailing Platform

Deployment to Include New Offerings and Latest POS Devices to Support Expansion of US Airways' Inflight Retailing

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]US Airways (NYSE: LCC) has renewed its agreement with GuestLogix Inc. (TSX: GXI), the leading global provider of onboard retail and payment technology solutions to airlines and the passenger travel industry. The multi-year contract renewal, representing more than 50 million passenger-trips annually, will expand the relationship between US Airways and GuestLogix. In addition to using GuestLogix‘ core Onboard Retail Technology Platform for its buy-on-board program, US Airways will be upgrading its handheld point-of-sale devices, and implementing the Company’s new Global Payment Services solution.

“GuestLogix is extremely proud to continue our relationship with US Airways,” said Patrick O'Neill, Senior Vice President and General Manager, GuestLogix USA. “Our commitment to improving the passenger experience, combined with our innovative onboard retailing technology solutions, has led to US Airways awarding us this new multi-year agreement.”

“GuestLogix has the right onboard retail solution for US Airways to sustain and grow our in-flight buy-on-board programs across our domestic and international network,” said Hector Adler, Vice President, Inflight Services for US Airways. “GuestLogix' strong performance, commitment to service and dedication to delivering innovative technology helped to secure this renewal. GuestLogix offers the right solution for US Airways as we work to enhance the onboard experience for our customers.”

Under the terms of the new agreement, US Airways will deploy the Company‘s enhanced version of its onboard retail software and its next-generation XPDA-SP point-of-sale mobile devices, enabling EMV Contactless and NFC/mobile payment options. The deployment will also integrate several unique services offered through GuestLogix’ Global Payment Services offering, as well as the option to deploy additional products and services onboard the aircraft via GuestLogix, including items such as destination-based entertainment and ground transportation ticketing as well as travel-relevant daily deals to their passengers.

“This agreement not only highlights GuestLogix‘ position as the leader in onboard retailing technology, but it also recognizes our ability to help US Airways enhance passenger satisfaction onboard,” said Ilia Kostov, Vice President of Business Development and Client Services for GuestLogix USA. “We will be supporting US Airways’ efforts to deliver a consistent passenger experience onboard through new capabilities such as our Cabin Operations module. We look forward to help continuing to support US Airways as it expands its inflight retailing and passenger experience initiatives.”


