2024.07.14 (일)

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  • 구름많음서울 30.9℃
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  • 구름조금강화 28.9℃
  • 구름많음보은 27.1℃
  • 구름많음금산 28.5℃
  • 흐림강진군 23.9℃
  • 흐림경주시 23.8℃
  • 흐림거제 23.5℃
기상청 제공


GuestLogix Signs 10-Year Agreement with IFE System Leader Thales to Facilitate Transaction Processing Through Seatback Screens

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]GuestLogix Inc. (TSX:GXI), the leading global provider of onboard retail and payment technology solutions to airlines and the passenger travel industry, today announced that it has partnered with global technology leader and major in-flight entertainment and connectivity (IFEC) provider, Thales. The partnership involves the integration of GuestLogix‘’ Transaction Processing Engine (TPE) into Thales‘’ TopSeries® IFEC systems, enabling payment acceptance via state-of-the-art seatback screens. Implementation of the joint solution will commence immediately, and Thales‘’ customer-base will use the GuestLogix system for onboard payments without any need to retrofit hardware.

GuestLogix‘’ Transaction Processing Engine was designed and developed for the secure capture and processing of payments through a variety of access points. By integrating GuestLogix‘’ technology, Thales has expanded its popular IFEC systems into seat-centric storefronts, benefiting its airline customers and their passengers, while also maintaining its status as a leader in aircraft innovations. The incorporation of GuestLogix‘’ TPE into these seatbacks marks a first for GuestLogix and further strengthens the Company‘’s position in the market.

“GuestLogix takes pride in its industry-leading position in the onboard retail and payment technology market and is elated to have secured this win with Thales, another company that is synonymous with onboard innovation,” said Brett Proud, President & CEO, GuestLogix. “This integration represents an extraordinary new milestone that brings onboard payment to a vast number of globally diverse airline passengers. This partnership strengthens both companies‘’ abilities to thrive in the industry, while succeeding at our mission to increase ancillary revenue potential for the global airline market.”

GuestLogix will integrate and license its Transaction Processing Engine via Thales onboard IFEC systems to many of the world‘’s leading airlines. The software will capture payment information, transfer the information to an onboard server and securely transmit the data to the ground. The GuestLogix Transaction Processing Engine (TPE) meets the most stringent Payment Card Industry (PCI) validation as a payment application, and all ongoing maintenance will be handled by GuestLogix over the duration of the 10-year agreement. The TPE will support both live and cached transactions at the seatback screen for items such as Pay per Access, onboard shopping and meals.

“Our partnership with GuestLogix was a natural fit and supports Thales‘’ vision to be ‘’the Best In-flight Entertainment and Connectivity Solutions Company by creating partnerships that endure, innovations that inspire and products and services that ensure exceptional value,” said Alan Pellegrini, President & CEO, Thales USA. “The need to support secure, certified payment acceptance functionality into our IFEC system became abundantly clear as airlines are now realizing the immense potential of having seat-centric storefronts onboard.”


