2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


WEBGATE, HD-CCTV presentation in Secutech 2013

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Daemyung Enterprise, WEBGATE division(www.webgateinc.com) made a presentation at GDSF(Global Digital Surveillance Forum) seminar with the theme of “How to consolidate the system with HD-CCTV” on April 25 which was held during Secutech 2013 exhibition period in Taipei, Taiwan.

Secutech is one of the world major international exhibitions for electronic security, info security, fire and safety industries. 510 companies from 19 countries and regions were participated in Secutech 2013 along with 1,200 booths and more than 3,000 new products. In addition, GDSF is the most influential security educational seminar in pan-Asia, providing a unique platform for manufacturers to explore applications, market trends and case studies.

Founded in 1997, WEBGATE had been grown through network based IP camera and analog DVR products, but now focusing on development, manufacturing and sales of HD-CCTV products which are based on HD-SDI transmission technology. At GDSF seminar, WEBGATE shared a lot of success stories for IP system and analog system integration of HD-CCTV products which came from diverse project experiences so far.

20Km video transmission support by fiber-optic converters, large & medium sized network integration using DVR’s network interface, analog system integration through diverse converter products, actual site examples convinced the participant of the practicability of various projects. Besides, made a presentation about the merit of HD-CCTV that supports the most easy way to get Full-HD video using conventional system design and maintenance method.

HD-CCTV system is providing intuitive system design, installation, operation and maintenance which is same to analog CCTV system. It provides reliable high-quality video that supports non-compressed, lossless full-frame transmission without delay, and it is spreading fast at the world’s major CCTV markets. HD-CCTV is already expanding its market-leading position in high-quality video surveillance market along with IP camera products.


