2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


dmexco Agency Lounge 2013: Bigger Than Ever

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]The Agency Lounge of the dmexco 2013 is enjoying huge popularity: Within the shortest space of time all major agency networks of the global digital industry have secured themselves their place in the Agency Lounge, which is in the meantime completely sold out. These include both national and international top addresses such as Aegis Media, Initiative, MediaCom, pilot Group, Universal McCann, VivaKi and Wunderman, who were also present there last year. On board in 2013 for the first time are among others Annalect, Havas Media Group, MEC, Omnicom Group and Xaxis. The Agency Lounge 2013 is thus, like the dmexco as a whole, bigger and more international than ever before!

Right in the midst of the dmexco action, in its new, expanded location in Hall 7, the Agency Lounge, which was especially developed by the dmexco, makes an ideal meeting point and exclusive environment for agencies and their clients. Specifically adapted to meet the needs of the marketing and media customers, the six new Premium Lounges especially provide exclusive framework conditions for intensive discussions and successful business deals and they too were fully booked in record time. “It is already clear that more advertising customers than ever before will be present at the dmexco 2013 and that this is where the business for 2014 will be prepared. This will be further pushed by the expanded Agency Lounge concept, because it offers the media agency networks the ideal setting for welcoming the big advertising brands of the dmexco and for sustainably promoting the digital business directly on-site. Finally, in addition to the guests and brand representatives invited by ourselves, all of the agencies will be personally inviting a number of marketing decision-makers to the dmexco again this year, in order to inform them about the latest trends and solutions,” Christian Muche, dmexco's Director Business Development, Strategy & International.

Nicole Karepin, Director Communication & PR at VivaKi, confirms the great attraction of the dmexco Agency Lounge from the point of view of an agency: “We are looking forward to being represented in the Agency Lounge of the dmexco with our VivaKi Premium Lounge for the fifth year in succession. We are very pleased about the decision to integrate the Agency Lounge into the hall for the first time this year and thus in the midst of the action, because agencies are the central point of contact for all companies that are striving to be successful in the digital business -- and for talents who are looking for an activity that will enable them to keep their finger on the pulse of time.”


