2024.06.30 (일)

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기상청 제공



[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]LG Electronics (LG) will showcase its newest square robotic vacuum cleaner in a most creative fashion at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) from January 8-11 in Las Vegas.

A highly trained troupe of HOM-BOT SQUARE units will demonstrate their incredible maneuverability with a well-choreographed dance routine at select times over the period of the show. Aside from possessing superb dance skills, the HOM-BOT SQUARE offers a significant upgrade in cleaning performance, thanks primarily to LG’s newly designed Corner Master. This advanced feature set includes improved sensors and longer brushes, enabling it to reach the hard-to-get-to places that conventional cleaners just can’t. Ultrasonic and infrared sensors detect obstacles to avoid, while the vacuum’s Dual Eye 2.0™ cameras accurately scan and map rooms even when the lights are turned off.

“From the beginning we jumped into this project with the realization that consumer’s rooms aren’t round, they’re rectangular,” said Seong-jin Jo, President and CEO of the LG Electronics Home Appliance Company. “In practically every house around the world, rooms have right-angle corners, so it made perfect sense to LG’s design team to develop a vacuum that took this into account. The HOM-BOT SQUARE makes cleaning the hard-to-reach places effortless.”

HOM-BOT SQUARE cleans effectively and efficiently thanks to Corner Master, which is comprised of two long brushes, Corner Detecting Sensors and the cleaner’s unique shape. With its more angular form and newly designed brushes that have been lengthened by 1.5cm, the HOM-BOT SQUARE can remove dust and dirt from the tightest of corners. The Corner Detecting Sensors enable the smart cleaner to pinpoint its exact location in the home, telling it when to turn or if it has reached the edge of a room.

Robotic cleaners typically have only one camera. The advanced HOM-BOT SQUARE uses two improved Dual Eye 2.0™ cameras to plot out a smarter, faster and more efficient cleaning route. Taking several images per second, the upper and lower cameras effectively scan ceilings, walls and floors, even in the dark. This information is then analyzed by HOM-BOT SQUARE to generate smarter mapping. At the same time, multiple sensors detect all obstacles within a 180 degree field, taking a myriad of surface images for collision-free operation. The HOM-BOT SQUARE also features a Learning Function which enables it to recognize areas it has previously cleaned. This helps it to remember the positioning of objects or to sense when an area is already clean, minimizing unnecessary repetition.

Low noise level of just 60dBA means the HOM-BOT SQUARE can clean when you’re watching TV, talking on the phone or reading. With a height of just 89mm, the unit’s slimmed-down profile enables it to maneuver around the home with ease, even under most furniture.

The LG HOM-BOT SQUARE makes cleaning more convenient because it requires less frequent emptying thanks to the larger capacity Easy-out Dust Bin. Unlike other robotic vacuum cleaners where the dust bin is located on the side, the Easy-out Dust Bin is positioned at the top of the cleaner for quick and hygienic removal. The larger and upgraded HEPA 11 filter also enables it to separate dust particles from the air more thoroughly, while also helping eliminate unpleasant odors. Turbo Mode lets users manually adjust the cleaner to best match the characteristics of their flooring and Smart Turbo Mode automatically detects the type of flooring and changes its own settings for best performance.

Users will further enjoy a host of convenient features such as Voice Guidance, which includes over 90 voice alerts as well as Smart Diagnosis that troubleshoots problems more easily. Additionally, the improved battery holds more charge, meaning owners of the LG HOM-BOT SQUARE can enjoy extended periods of worry-free automated cleaning.


