2024.06.30 (일)

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기상청 제공


Basketball Legend Shaquille O'Neal Launches His First Action Game on Mobile at CES

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]One Spear Entertainment announced the launch of ShaqDown today at the opening of the 2013 International CES, the world’s largest consumer electronics show. ShaqDown is a 2D, side scrolling beat ’em up game available on iOS and Android. The game was developed by award-winning game studio Hiptic Games.

ShaqDown is set in a dystopian future where mankind has been mostly wiped out by a zombie outbreak. Years passed, and, just when the world thought the zombies had died out and mankind had won, the virus that caused the outbreak mutated and created a new form of evil -- the Mutant Zombies. In the game, Shaq has friends that help him in his battle against the Mutant Zombies, including 3-Time World Champion wrestler and Olympic Coach, Lee Kemp.

As a lifelong gamer and successful entertainment icon, O’Neal has been researching the gaming sector for several years looking for the right entry point. “I’ve always liked the mobile gaming space,” O’Neal said. “As a father, I’ve seen how much time my children spend playing different games and thought ShaqDown would be a cool, entertaining game for kids of all ages.”

The ShaqDown App is available for $0.99 from the App Store on iPhone and iPad, or at: www.itunes.com/appstore and via the Google Play Store at http://play.google.com for Android smart phones and tablets. The game is available on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch as well as Android devices in six languages including English, Mandarin Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Japanese, and Spanish. The ShaqDown trailer can be viewed at: http://www.shaqdown.com.


