2024.06.30 (일)

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기상청 제공


XBT Holding Ltd. Dials Up Web and Mobile App Development with Acquisition of IBEE Solutions

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]XBT Holding Ltd., a global hosting and network solutions provider, today announced acquisition of India-based IBEE Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (IBEE Solutions) to meet the growing worldwide demand for intuitive yet powerful websites and visually inviting, easy-to-use mobile applications. IBEE Solutions is a leader in web hosting, as well as in web and mobile applications development. The acquisition allows XBT Holding to further its commitment to becoming a one-stop-shop for businesses worldwide.

Mobile technology use has increased 45 percent since 2010, according to AC Nielsen (State of the Media: The Mobile Media Report, Q3 2011). IBEE Solutions addresses the rapidly growing demand for apps and web applications by taking an activity-centric approach that provides users tools to allow them to automate repetitive tasks.

“We always begin with activity modeling,” said Bertrand Yella, president of IBEE Solutions. “This allows us to deliver a truly engaging experience and help our customers and users of their websites and mobile apps to get what they want from the application quickly and easily.”

Yella said the company's developers build a detailed activity map for each application before a byte is programmed, meticulously outlining user actions required to reach their goal. For example, when someone uses a smart phone to make a gift purchase, that person wants the experience to be as easy-and even as fun-as possible. “Our system allows us to indulge the user. Usability and clean design are the two key ingredients to the success of our applications,” Yella said.

Rajesh Kumar Mishra, chief financial officer of XBT Holding Ltd., said the acquisition of IBEE Solutions was a natural extension for the company and a critical move on the path to creating a comprehensive line of services for individuals and business entities. He also said the acquisition is an important step in expanding the company's presence in countries with emerging data and Internet technology needs.

“Up to this point, XBT has created a full suite of high-demand Internet infrastructure services, including dedicated servers, colocation, IP transit, content delivery and cloud computing,” he said. “However our strategy always has been to improve our offering for the benefit of customers. Mobile applications and web development services are in great demand nowadays. Millions of companies are realizing mobile applications are critical to increasing profits, and as essential as having a compelling website with well-thought-out usability. Now XBT Holding, in partnership with IBEE Solutions, can efficiently create these critical tools.”

Yella said the acquisition by XBT Holding gives IBEE Solutions a serious competitive advantage in the Internet infrastructure market of India, as well as opening new opportunities across the globe. “Hosting is a core element in our service proposition, and now we‘ll have an amazing opportunity to use XBT’s worldwide network infrastructure, which spans three continents. We also will benefit from access to XBT's highly reliable, state-of-the-art servers and extensive international expertise. This will allow us to provide fast, scalable and secure hosting solutions. We expect to gain a 30 percent share of the retail hosting market in India.”


