2024.05.04 (토)

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  • 흐림보은 3.2℃
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기상청 제공


Hitler, Kim Jong-un, and Slurs from Japan's Abe

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]The recent sluices of slurs by Japanese rightist politicians including Prime Minister Shinzo Abe have caused a worldwide anger. They are provoking a strong backlash inside Japan too, but the rightist politicians don’t seem to know how to stop their ludicrous statements.

As a matter of fact, Japanese politicians have a long history of giving thoughtless remarks related to racism, historical distortion, and territorial disputes.

On Sep. 22, 1986, former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone said at a workshop for Liberal Democratic Party, “The intelligence level in the United States is lower than in Japan because of a considerable number of blacks, Puerto Ricans, and Mexicans.”

On Jul. 23, 1988, Michio Watanabe, chief of the governing Liberal Democratic Party's Policy Affairs Research Council triggered a diplomatic friction between Japan and the Unites States when he said, “Japanese people, facing bankruptcy, fly by night or think of a familial suicide, but blacks think it’s no such a big deal, saying, ‘Bankruptcy, and I don’t have to pay from tomorrow.’”

On Jun. 13, 2008, Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura said, “Obama is black and Hillary is a woman. I guess it would be difficult for them to win."

On Aug. 28, 2012, Shintaro Ishihara, Governor of Tokyo, said, “There is no evidence that the Japanese military coerced women into sexual slavery. In those hard times, prostitution was a very profitable business.”

Still in many countries, a lot of people are involved in racial, ethnic, and religious discrimination and serious abuse of human rights. There exists no other ordinary country like Japan in which national leaders come to the front and center and unscrupulously make ridiculous remarks related to racial discrimination, history distortion, and territorial dispute.

It was not by force but through an election that the century’s heinous murderer Hitler took power in Germany. The Germans faced enormous economic woes with the Great Depression, when Hitler instigated the Germans with superiority of the Aryan race and hatred against Jews to come to power. German people are not free from what Hitler played in the Nazi control of the country and the breakout of World War II. It’s why Germans repeatedly apologize for their past wrongs.


