2024.10.12 (토)

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기상청 제공

World News

World Taekwondo President hopes to create pathway for women through Gender Equity and Women Leadership Forum

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV K, Y Yi] World Taekwondo President Chungwon Choue has expressed his hope that the Gender Equity and Women Leadership Forum, will create a meaningful legacy for women in Taekwondo. 

The second edition of the virtual Forum took place on 6-7 March and was co-hosted by UK Sport. 

Speaking at the Forum, President Choue said:

“Through the World Taekwondo Gender Equity and Women Leadership Forum, we have created a platform to showcase the achievements of women in and through sport. The forum is not just for World Taekwondo, but an initiative to work with other organisations to advance the values of gender equity and equality together. I hope the World Taekwondo Gender Equity and Women Leadership Forum will create a pathway and legacy for women for many years to come.”

UK Sport Chair Dame Katherine Grainger, who shared her journey from an Olympian to her sports leadership role, said:

“There is much to celebrate and we have made positive progress in the journey but it is an ongoing journey and there is no time to stop. We can use this weekend to feel energised and re-inspired to continue on the quest for genuine equity. 

“We should all feel a sense of responsibility. We all have a role to play whatever position we may be in and that individual and collective responsibility will make a positive change.”

Distinguished speakers at the Forum included IOC Executive Board Member and Vice Chair of the IOC Women in Sport Commission, HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein who spoke of the need to ensure that gender equity was addressed at every level of sport. IOC Member and President of World Rowing Jean-Christophe Rolland shared his federation’s active role in advancing gender equality through institutional changes.

Jordanian National Commission for Women’s Affairs Secretary General Dr. Salma Nims delivered a powerful and though-provoking presentation on gender equality during the ongoing pandemic and was joined by Dr Lisa Hindson, Advisor for Games Planning, Venue Operations, Readiness and Knowledge at the IOC, who spoke of sport event management during COVID-19.

A session was dedicated to psychology in sport and saw contributions from IOC Senior Sports Intelligence Manager Niccolo Campriani, Sarah Broadhead Team GB Sports Psychologist, and Dana Touran, Member of the World Taekwondo Development Committee.

The final session involved a Q&A with inspiring young Taekwondo female ambassadors including Para Taekwondo athlete Maisie Catt who has aspirations to represent Team GB in the future.


