2025.02.13 (목)

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기상청 제공

World News

Kyu Seok LEE, President of Asian Taekwondo Union New Year's Message

As we welcome 2025, I sincerely wish for your health, happiness, and continued success in the year ahead.

New Year’s Message


Dear Taekwondo Family,


As 2024 draws to a close, a new year is dawning upon us.


This past year, we witnessed numerous Taekwondo events held across the globe, showcasing creative and inspiring performances in freestyle poomsae, demonstrations, and other activities that captured the hearts of audiences worldwide.

Moreover, during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in July, Taekwondo demonstrated its dynamic appeal as an exciting and popular sport, with athletes from nearly every continent standing on the podium. This served as a testament to the universal reach and vitality of Taekwondo.

As we step into 2025, I look forward to seeing even more vibrant and inspiring activities from the global Taekwondo family.


Taekwondo, as a martial art, has historically contributed to human survival and served as a means of strengthening national defense. However, as weaponry evolved, Taekwondo took on deeper and broader meanings beyond its original purpose.

Today, it stands proudly as a beloved Olympic sport, earning the admiration and respect of people worldwide.

But as we all know, Taekwondo is not only about physical practice. It is a martial art that harmoniously integrates personal discipline and the pursuit of academic knowledge. Let us remember this core essence and strive to better ourselves, so that we may also contribute positively to the world around us.


Since 1984, I have had the privilege of serving the Asian Taekwondo Union for over 40 years. During this time, I have been re-elected three times to serve as President, and my term will conclude in July 2025.

These decades of working with and for the Taekwondo family have been immensely fulfilling and joyful, thanks to the support and love of our global community.


As we welcome 2025, I sincerely wish for your health, happiness, and continued success in the year ahead.


Taekwondo Family, Happy New Year!


Thank you.

Kyu Seok LEE, President of Asian Taekwondo Union


