2024.07.20 (토)

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기상청 제공

World News

World Taekwondo announce Taekwondwon as host of new World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV K, Y Yi] SEOUL, Korea (April 15, 2021) - World Taekwondo today announced that Taekwondowon, Muju, Korea will host the first ever World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge, an innovative event that will serve as a gateway for new Taekwondo athletes to enter the international stage.


The official signing ceremony took place at the World Taekwondo headquarters in Seoul, with World Taekwondo President Chungwon Choue, Taekwondo Promotion Foundation Chairman Yong-gap Jang and Korea Taekwondo Association Secretary-General Sung Jae-joon signing the host city contract.


The G1 event is expected to attract 2,000 athletes from over 30 countries across four weight categories for men and women. Ranking points will be available at the event with the first and second-place winners of each weight category eligible to participate in the first 2022 World Taekwondo Grand Prix.

World Taekwondo President Choue said, "We are happy to host the World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge at the Taekwondwon. This event will be great opportunity for new players. There is so much talent around the world that we need to ensure we are providing a proper pathway for Taekwondo athletes to develop and reach their maximum potential. ”

It will be the first international competition held in Taekwondwon since the 2017 World Taekwondo Championships. The event organizers will prepare for safe competition and implement strict COVID 19 protocols.


